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Gwal Mudra - Real Teachings of Lord Krishna by Khushwant Singh ( Book Review )

Author - Khushwant Singh

Publisher - Kharag Warya Publishing

Book length - 128 pages

Price -250/-

Plot -

My thoughts -

Author -
@eccentric_mystic ,Khushwant Singh.
Publisher - @kharagwaryaspublishing
Price - 250/- ,Pages -128
Gwal Mudra talks about a different type of world where Author mentions his experience of one of his past lives where he got to meet his favourite enlightened master lord Krishna through Jatismaran meditation.I have heard of this earlier where people with power of remembering past lives in Bengali are called Jatisshar.
How author met mesmerizing Lord Krishna,what did the Almighty of the universe teach him are narrated in an enjoyable and intriguing way.The meditation of Gwal Mudra through 4 stages is mentioned through which one can attain physical and spiritual wellbeing.The first 3 stages can be done by any individual , but the last one needs a master.It talks about Hindu mythology,history ,7 chakras in human body, agony related to men & women's relations,ego curbing,spiritual wellbeing putting stress on the need of meditation.
I love the fact that Author this time too came up with an unique topic.Writing style is breezy.Language is lucid.Pace is kept fast with short chapters.The double arrowed consciousness technique mentioned is fantastic.I tried it and it truly works.At one place he mentioned that Aryans don't have European origin who visited but were originally from India,they went to europe and then again came back , that is why lord Ram's dynasty or the comtemporary of them had all fair skin tones but as per my knowledge of history I have always read in various educational books the Aryans originally came from Central Europe and even Australian continents too and settled at Saptasindhu or near Ravi and Indus that is in the lands of North western India and parts of Pakistan.I would love if author also mentions the sources of such historical facts which will make for a more profound read in his next books and help readers like few of us have more deep knowledge who loves to know more historical facts.I love the cover a lot with such minimalistic yet purely divine soothing colours.The font size is big & beautiful.A nice unconventional read for those who like non fictions with feel of fiction based on philosophy and spirituality.

Rate - 3.8/5