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Showing posts from May, 2023

Butterfly in a Bind by Sheba Ghosh

Butterfly in a Bind by Sheba Ghosh is a mesmerizing and thought-provoking novel that captivates readers from the very first page. Ghosh skillfully weaves a tale of mystery, prejudice, and redemption, creating a narrative that is both gripping and heartwarming. The protagonist, ACP Shyama, is a complex and relatable character. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she not only uncovers the truth behind the murder but also embarks on a personal journey of self-discovery. Through her encounters with diverse characters such as the brothel owner, the elderly zamindar's wife, and the troubled teen, Shyama learns to challenge her own prejudices and preconceived notions. Her growth as a character is both inspiring and uplifting. Ghosh's writing style is fluid and engaging, effortlessly transporting readers to the vibrant streets of Kolkata. The vivid descriptions and evocative language paint a vivid picture of the setting, making it come alive in the reader's min

The Deathless, The Dreamless and The Other Dark Fellows

Giuliano Olivotto's book, "The Deathless, the Dreamless, and the Other Dark Fellows," is a captivating collection of dark world tales that will leave readers spellbound from beginning to end. From the very first page, I found myself completely engrossed in each story's unique world building and the enigmatic characters that inhabit them. This book truly transports its readers to a realm filled with hidden emotions, mysterious vibes, and extraordinary beings. One of the remarkable aspects of this book is the author's ability to create a sense of immersion in every story. Whether it is the chilling presence of an immortal man capable of ending lives at will or the mind-altering abilities of a lucid dreamer, the tales in this anthology are filled with elements that blur the line between reality and the supernatural. It is this seamless integration of the uncanny into everyday life that makes the stories so compelling. "The Deathless, the

The Sorcery of the Senses by Tanima Das

The Sorcery of the Senses by Tanima Das is a captivating and imaginative novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through past lives and the power of the senses. The author skillfully weaves together elements of fantasy, adventure, and self-discovery to create a unique and compelling story. One of the highlights of the book is the way in which the protagonist, Dhruv, interacts with the senses. Each sense is personified and given a distinct personality, making them relatable and engaging. The author's vivid descriptions and attention to detail bring these senses to life, allowing readers to experience the world through Dhruv's eyes, touch, and smell. The storyline is fast-paced and filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. As Dhruv embarks on a quest to recover the all-powerful holy stone, the stakes are high, and the sense of urgency is palpable. The exploration of Dhruv's past lives adds depth and c

Wish You Were Single: A Story of Loving, Unloving and Evolving" by Zeel Chapaneri

Wish You Were Single: A Story of Loving, Unloving and Evolving by Zeel Chapaneri is a captivating journey into the corporate world, where the lives of Aarohi and Samarth intertwine in unexpected ways. The author skillfully brings out raw emotions and portrays the complexities of relationships with a refreshing lack of superficiality. Aarohi, a determined and endearing protagonist, struggles to secure her dream job until fate intervenes and she lands an interview with Tech Bites. Meanwhile, Samarth, a mature and successful man, finds little value in the institution of marriage. As Aarohi joins Samarth's team, a strong bond of friendship develops between them, challenging societal norms about cross-gender friendships. This book successfully justifies its title by exploring the themes of love, detachment, and personal growth. The author's writing style is simple yet engaging, making it easy to immerse oneself in the story. The well-developed side characters, such as Ch

Hitman by Manoj V Jain

"Hitman" by Manoj V Jain takes readers on a meaningful and thought-provoking journey. The story revolves around Vivek, a desolate man who strikes a life-changing agreement with a stranger at a bar on the eve of his fortieth birthday. What follows is a hundred-day journey filled with unexpected coincidences that challenge Vivek's perception of life. Jain's writing style is captivating, drawing readers into the mind of a lonely and desperate protagonist. He delicately explores sensitive topics such as despair and hope, offering a poignant reflection on the human experience. The book serves as a gentle pick-me-up for those troubled or feeling low, providing solace and introspection. One of the book's strengths lies in its relevance to contemporary society. In a world that often leaves individuals questioning their existence, "Hitman" prompts readers to ponder the meaning of life. Jain's exploration of this profound question is bo

A Thing Called Destiny by iBharatiyaWriter

"A Thing Called Destiny: Love story with a Dharmic Twist" by iBharatiyaWriter is a captivating novel that explores the power of an age-old Dharmic tradition in shaping not only one's character but also their role as a responsible ambassador of humanity. This romantic thriller takes readers on a rollercoaster ride as they follow the journey of Vidushi and Vinay, two intriguing characters whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways. The author does an excellent job of portraying Vidushi's determined and resilient nature, as she strives to regain control of her life after facing numerous setbacks. Her encounter with Vinay, which seems like destiny at first, turns out to be a meticulously planned event by the former NCC cadet. Vinay embarks on Operation Sambhav, a mission inspired by an age-old Dharmic tradition, and Vidushi unknowingly becomes an essential part of it. This twist sets the stage for an enthralling nationwide journey filled with challenges, surpri

'Unforeseen' by Vandana Srivastava

'Unforeseen' by Vandana Srivastava is an exceptional collection of short stories that captivated me from beginning to end. As a lover of short fiction, I appreciate the unique ability of these stories to deliver a powerful impact within a compact format. Each story in this book is a gem, presenting an overarching theme and introducing authentic characters that immediately drew me in. From a desperate woman to an evil neighbor, a heartbroken lover to a silent companion, the range of characters and their compelling narratives kept me engaged throughout. Vandana Srivastava masterfully weaves fear, anger, and love into the lives of these characters, shaping their destinies in unexpected and thought-provoking ways. What impressed me most about 'Unforeseen' is the author's ability to cover a wide range of themes and emotions. The stories are thrilling, mysterious, heartbreaking, and entertaining, ensuring that there is something for every reader. I

Vectors In The Void by Giselle Mehta

"Vectors in the Void" by Giselle Mehta is a captivating and multi-layered novel that spans across generations and continents, providing a rich tapestry of historical events, cultural nuances, and personal dramas. The book follows the life journey of Zara, a woman who experiences the tumultuous events of the Indian Freedom Struggle, the Holocaust, the Second World War, and the birth of three nations- India, Pakistan, and Israel. Mehta's writing style is elegant, descriptive, and evocative, transporting the reader to the picturesque hill station of Murree, the bustling streets of Independent India, and the cosmopolitan city of London. The characters in the book are well-developed, complex, and relatable, showcasing the author's ability to create multidimensional personalities that resonate with the reader. One of the strengths of the book is its exploration of family dynamics and relationships, which are depicted with sensitivity, empathy, and au