Title - Creativity Unleased
Author - Gopal Krishnaswamy
Published by - Bloomsbury
Book length -170 pages
Price - 399/-
Spiritual guru Osho says, "To be creative means to be in love
with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring alittle more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more
dance to it.
How beautiful and true is that ?
I am a creative person. I have loved indulging in painting , poetry , writing articles , and creative handcrafts .
So to be honest I liked this book.
The cover is pretty , minimalistic and eye catching.
The capacity to produce something is one of the best cognitive skills human possess but that doesnot mean high crreativity is equal to high IQ for creativity needs Intuition flash backs more than analyzing.
Author tells spend your energy in some activity that is for pleasure which will use excess energy and leave no energy for anger .
This book deals with more than approach towards creativity . It introduces the concept of being mindful which is most popularly known as the MINDFULLNESS MEDITATION that helps us concentrate in the present.
Author has efficiently talked about neuroplasticity and brain structure too.
Author has described the roles of honchos of the world like Einstein , Kekule and many more. The short stories were light and enjoyable to read.
There are steps told which can be used to become more mindful of our creative approach and become more productive.
The casual frolic but eye catching presentations in each page make the read light hearted and easy to grasp along with the quick quotes of famous scientists and guides make this book a beautiful non fiction full of facts and thoughtful concepts for kids too.
Practicing mindfulness helps us to get connected with ourselves deeply that opens our mind to creative thinking and become leess rigid in our approach to unlease a wide horizon of creative ideas to cherish .
I give it 4.5/5