Mr. Ayaz Kohli's fiction @ayazkohli puts light on the lives of people living in magnificient valleys of pir panjal himalayan range in Jammu Kashmir whose scenic beauty brings peace to the eyes but the chaotic stories bring the real scene tormenting our mind .
Story starts with a village boy planning for a village bull fighting competition , illustrating ordinary village life , grandparents telling stories to their grandkids , a beautiful peaceful community life which gets hindered by Pakistanis trying to put wrong informations in these innocent minds and turning them against ones own country.
The venom of religious fantatism , rise of militancy , inhuman torture , stressful family situations where there is no surty if you will see your loved ones once more next time or not , the distrust arising in mind , turning one against other , the disruption of daily human life where love is forgetten and is replaced by greed of land.
Still how kashmiris are so resilient fighting the perpetrators - Mujahideen, the imposters who veil themselves with blankets of friendship , promising peace and liberty to locals , how they mirror their inner patriotism, not leaving their home of their grandfathers keeping hope is portrayed nicely in beautiful words that will form beautiful images in your mind.
Priced at 295/- it is a nice book for a thoughful read showing the condition of an important part of India constantly fighting with terrorism from inhuman imposters.
Thanks to @bookcharming for the book .
Story starts with a village boy planning for a village bull fighting competition , illustrating ordinary village life , grandparents telling stories to their grandkids , a beautiful peaceful community life which gets hindered by Pakistanis trying to put wrong informations in these innocent minds and turning them against ones own country.
The venom of religious fantatism , rise of militancy , inhuman torture , stressful family situations where there is no surty if you will see your loved ones once more next time or not , the distrust arising in mind , turning one against other , the disruption of daily human life where love is forgetten and is replaced by greed of land.
Still how kashmiris are so resilient fighting the perpetrators - Mujahideen, the imposters who veil themselves with blankets of friendship , promising peace and liberty to locals , how they mirror their inner patriotism, not leaving their home of their grandfathers keeping hope is portrayed nicely in beautiful words that will form beautiful images in your mind.
Priced at 295/- it is a nice book for a thoughful read showing the condition of an important part of India constantly fighting with terrorism from inhuman imposters.
Thanks to @bookcharming for the book .