Legitimacy of Power ( The permanence of five in the UN security council ) by Dilip Sinha ( Book Review )
This book I recently received , is a good literary material if you are looking to enrich your knowledge base about the United Nations Organizations , specially about the intricate working of The security council .
Author was the head of India's UN affairs during its membership of 2011-2012 . He steered India's response to Libya and Syria crisis and was ambassador to UN in Geneva where he was appointed as Vice president of Human rights council in 2014.

Within each chapter author has poured in great amount of facts . Why was UNO formed ? What made the Honchos create it ? How do the policies and working differ in it from the previous League of Nations which in practicality failed to stop the World war II .

The charter , preamble , main focus of the different parts of UNO focusing deeply on the permanence of the 5 nations who have veto power in council is disscussed in a elaborate way.

You will get a good view of the socio political scenario of Second wolrd war period with the cold war arriving. The rivelry that was between USA and the then USSR .

How few super powers tried their hands on justifying their war minded actions taken on third world countries ahich made even the Security council face crisis like in 1950 when North korea invaded South and USA in absence of USSR tried to bring twist.

The International Court of justice and how its laws are applied on this Council is added with Articles from different chapters are disscussed. So you would be able to see the loopholes too which makes the biggest organisation face disaster in few things too.
Altogether it is a good book with immense amount of facts that will help any student studying economics and politics .
It definitely helped me gain some more indepth knowledge and brush up few previously known facts.
All good only price is bit high.
Author was the head of India's UN affairs during its membership of 2011-2012 . He steered India's response to Libya and Syria crisis and was ambassador to UN in Geneva where he was appointed as Vice president of Human rights council in 2014.

Within each chapter author has poured in great amount of facts . Why was UNO formed ? What made the Honchos create it ? How do the policies and working differ in it from the previous League of Nations which in practicality failed to stop the World war II .

The charter , preamble , main focus of the different parts of UNO focusing deeply on the permanence of the 5 nations who have veto power in council is disscussed in a elaborate way.

You will get a good view of the socio political scenario of Second wolrd war period with the cold war arriving. The rivelry that was between USA and the then USSR .

How few super powers tried their hands on justifying their war minded actions taken on third world countries ahich made even the Security council face crisis like in 1950 when North korea invaded South and USA in absence of USSR tried to bring twist.

The International Court of justice and how its laws are applied on this Council is added with Articles from different chapters are disscussed. So you would be able to see the loopholes too which makes the biggest organisation face disaster in few things too.
Altogether it is a good book with immense amount of facts that will help any student studying economics and politics .
It definitely helped me gain some more indepth knowledge and brush up few previously known facts.
All good only price is bit high.