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Where will man take us ? ( Author : Atul Jalan ( Penguin Books ))

This book is one such non fiction read that will absolutely become one of the best books on your bookshelf if you like reading articles that enrich our knowledge.

Author has invested into a diverse discussion touching vivid topics about science & technology along with information about evolution of Mankind and side by side about changing environment .

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The bright yellow colored minimally designed cover caught my eyes but the witty and quirky way of writing style specially made even the topics easily understandable that can feel heavy for non-science background students or some times students from science based academical background .

It is a very interesting book which I really liked . It covers a lot of such subjects like Physics , maths , basic biology , even politics , cold war , present day social media , bitcoin economy , religion , etc that caught my immediate attention for having been studied Masters in Engineering myself it was not difficult to see Author has done immense research before writing and arranging those collected , few known and few very new to me facts and deep thoughts on such in each page very diligently and making it effective to grasp easily.It starts with how the primitive life forms started and how we - the wise upgraded version of them "The mankind" reached here to this modern age.

To attain longevity and better comfort , we invented various technologies , but where is this path going finally ? Where are we heading ?

Check the pictures below , so you will have an idea what topics this book covers.

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I highly recommend this book whole heartedly to all.