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Who Wants to Marry a Mamma's Boy ( Book Review )

I like short stories. Authored by Mrs.Manjula Pal this book with a satirical title and artistic cover is a collection of total 8 short stories within 118 pages telling about different women who act contrastingly in similar situations. Human emotions are complex and actions differ from person to person.

The stories revolve around love , guilt , friendship , marriage , family life , relationships along with one's life's own choices in arenas of academics and career . Many a times in dilemma , few women compromise hugely but again few stubbornly move forward caring about nothing.Vivid emotions of not only women but also men are shown focusing on how few gender differentiating cultural beliefs shape a women's lifestyle and that ends tragically . Narration is flawless , a light read and good for beginners. The plots are nothing extraordinary but realistic and revolve around very relatable situations.

My Rate : 3.8/5

Price - 195/-

Published by Rupa Publishers.