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Your Destination has Arrived ( By author Barry Cheema ) : A beautiful story that revolves around a Dog's life !

This book's plot and concept is everything and of course the narrating style .

A Dog that served police for long gets blessed or cursed ? ( you determine that ) to have a human life . But he gets it on a condition that is his soul now will have a body and mind of a terrorist.
So what new challenges he faces in this totally opposite world ? How he conprehends whats right and wrong with a subconscious mind ?

The story starts with a suspenseful event. Then slowly as the chapters progress you see bruno meet almighty god , that part is nicely narrated, how he goes through philosophical and spiritual changes and through all these the author has sent messages of importance of positivity , truthfulness , unconditional love, honesty , etc.

There are lessons to be learnt about life through this book as it revolves around the most faithful and the most unfaithful beings on earth and a shift from one to another is not only intriguing but mischivous at times.

Author played nicely with his imaginative creativity along with story telling capability. One thing is the book is pretty thick over 300+ pages that takes some time but the unique plot makes it a page turner with simple vocabulary making it still a fast read.

You will go through myriad of emotions if you are a lover of animals and specifically if you have a soft spot for dogs. I myself have a labrador so I know his behaviours and I was able to correlate with the situations :) .

Priced at 375/- , You may check this book out for an interesting , funny , adventurous yet emotionally binding and philosophical ride .

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