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By God : The making if a Messiah ( By Author Shashi Warrior )

It is a satire about the hypocrisy of the socio-political structure and situation of a country ( ours and many other nations ) where people talk high but at the core they cannot go beyond certain conventional ideas and cultural practices. Democracy is about choosing our own government. People rule .

But actually in a satirical way the author has presented the hidden dark truth that who ever shows a minimum knowledge or eligibility to question and stand against any wrong doings are silenced and punished wrongly .

 In this fiction it is the atheist , anarchist and intellectuals who are are punished rather given death sentence as they are captured . The best are the intellectuals part  as they teach people to be able to understand and question  the actual procedure of the system which is a big threat to the government inself. So the author shows that the system wants to deceive citizens with false info too. I liked the character development part. The barber is intelligent , loyal yet he is cunning . He has to lie to survive but conscience hits him once in a while.

 HE - Tomikanza is one of the highest national heads of Ghublishtan that is a fictional state and he is old , weird , conservative about world and specially his uncanny believes about patriarchy , religion and  women. The sarcastic ways of showing that older people get easier passes even if they commit equal problems was interesting.

Mr.Shashi has touched many such topics - the greed for power  , depleting planet and killing people of other lands , the fire of vengeance , deceiving the public and the employees and inturn the corruption stays intact in the system all together is erasing away the main aim of democracy

, good governance and freedom of the citizens are curbed, etc that need to be discussed openly but this indirect presentation in a satire through use of  fictional policemen, home security department , religious fanatics , bureaucrats and even that few political parties have tagged them up with a specific religion and belief of having higher rank in god's eyes  make it more effective.The language is lucid. As usual the aesthetic quality is excellent.

For me it is a 3.9/5 read.