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The Stranger's Bedroom by Bijoy Munshi

▪️The Strangers Bedroom revolves around  young working generation now a days , all will find the situation relatable l. It's a romance drama plot with three to four characters mainly . Ravish is intrigued by a bold courageous girl who is reading a particular book and that book has a big deal in this story. But he gets into an accidental clash and has a memory lapse . But then as he tries to retrieve those , you will get to know who is Neha , how is everything related to Kriti , how's this book connect them all and then their is Trisha too. ⁣

▪️Narration was gripping which  kept me interested till the last page but the plot is not much strong or unique .I expected more twists and  thrill from the catchy  title . 

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▪️The two timelines were nice kept separated rising no confusion. I liked the font , big and easy for the eyes. Then the book does have a message that many run into careless actions leading to lifelong consequences .

Ravish was for quite a period of time driven by lust and had to face the results too . And when conscience hits pain thrives forever. It did show different personalities of females. 

Neha was good friend but was excessively inquisitive for a woman sometimes . Altogether nice and light read for beginners.⁣

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