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The Unknown lands of Magneta Book 1 : Planet of Troy : DG Bonnie

This book is a science fiction but it has different genres blended in. It is not only an adventurous story but actually also can be put under philosophical read. So I find it fascinating story.  The blurb  is here . 

I liked the characters of Amiel and doctor Watkins  . The subtle messages in the book are thoughtful because through fictious planetary worlds it delivers us thoughtful lessons and asks us to self introspect, so we can bring greater bliss to our whole world and not just only humanity . 

The cover is so enigmatic . I liked the conversations between Amiel and his mom and amiel and Doctor Watkins. The sudden twists and the secrets unfolding on why Cusians took over tushans and the purpose unfolding later on. 

The chapters of House of Lords that is conversations between two known god's , but I wish I could get few more reads about their  conversations as those were more fascinating. 

The main thing is we need to be accepting and kind and start giving respect to all forms of life before judging . Otherwise, greed , dishonesty and putting others down actually are the reasons to one's own destruction.

 But this is just part 1 . Read about the Green planet which people on Planet Troy can see but no one ones . 

What is its purpose for being there ? Who took away their loved ones and where ? What secrets are held up from Doctor Watkins. Why is he the most intelligent scientist on planet of Cursan ? Are his relatives still there ? 

I also liked the scientific facts given in between to create the plot but mostly the deeper messages for the growth of the self. 

Altogether a nice read . You too may cjeck this book out. Available as kindle right now . 

Also check the kindle link here