‘Health is Wealth’. Not only because it is an age-old saying but I personally absolutely believe it is the truth of our lives. If you are not healthy, your work will be delayed and thus wealth. Think about it.
In this book, the author has thrown some light on methods one can follow to improve one’s chance of a beautiful life.
Longevity, literally, means living longer, but it also means much more than that. There is no point in extending your lifespan by lying in a bed, unable to perform your basic duties and always needing external assistance.
The author has explained some key points for achieving health with scientific facts, ancient knowledge and effective tips to relearn and incorporate these for better health .
It was enriching to know the importance of bringing down your BPM count in a day. How modern lifestyle has effected our intake of water and how it is effecting our inner system.
Why I found this book innovative and unique is that here I got to read the benefits if foods with particular tastes. Check my blog to know more.
In today's generation , disruptive sleep has become common.
The tips to regulate it . Things to follow to stabilize your mood , emotions , bring betterment in health through relationships , pets , exercise , meditation and being aware of your mindset are some topics with insightful scientific facts this book offers so all age groups can benefit in their lifestyle towards a healthier long life.