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Book Review : The Odd One and Other Short Stories by Sohini Maitra

The Odd One and Other Short Stories is a compilation of 12 light hearted  stories.This book is like a bag of colourful tales that have this amazing quirky flavour to them. They are not very unique but simple and heart warming showing the various facets of our lives. The nuances of one's joy , grief , relationships are presented in a very light hearted way . Life is quite unpredictable and hope keep us looking forward  ! 

Spread over a range of genres , these are not very unique but very breezy simple tales that are divided into couple of brief chapters having their own tastes making the read cheerful . 

They don't have a loads of twists but they made me feel content . For instance the story of a young working girl who had just a real horrific day ended up having best thing for her life as the day concluded .

 Similarly the story about Death and Sorrow walked in to a bar was more than unconventional and thought- provoking. They are non-complex. I will recommend it to once who are just starting to read. This book will help you grow your reading interest as the tales are  lucid and sunny type.
The last part where the author tells why she thought to write these stories that she thinks are bit odd relating to her own personality and lifestyle being a misfit in her own words and embracing that trait of hers straight her birth to all the phases of her life was really lovely.

 That part absolutely made me feel so cheerful.It made me giggle many a times and did not fail to make me remember few of my peculiar humorous moments of my own life ! 

Honestly,  her narration is really light hearted , breezy  and has the ability to make readers feel upbeat.