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LOVE AND LIFE  is a non-fiction read of 25 pages long  basically targeted towards the young generation who are considered post millennials or Generation Z . The purpose is to remind them Love is paramount and the  answer to a happy life. 

Here love is not limited to romantic one but an universal one.The pages are high quality glossy prints.Each chapter is only one to two pages long.⁣It starts with SELF LOVE and it's impotance and truly it is need of the hour when many are forgetting it .  Here Mr.Joshua Francis Fernando tells us , we shall appreciate ourselves and let go of self doubting . 

Next he tells if we cultivate compassion and reduce hatred, medicines won't be needed, it can control health disorders .

 I think it is somewhat true but medical suppliments are also essential as per the need  besides having a healthy lifestyle.A calmer mind reduces the intensity of many health disorders and keeps our bodily functions in balance.

This is pointed out in the Love and Self disclipline chapter.Later he suggests to practice in leadership and customer service ( that is huminity ).The word Agape (Greek word) was mentioned.⁣

The purpose of this book that is to remind us of the basic aim of our lives that is to be compassionate and happy , but I think suggestions are not fully effective if initial guidance is not provided . 

Here advices are present but how to practice and apply them in our lives is not included . I look forward to read more works of him hopefully to find out his guided steps to practice these.⁣