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Hinterland by L.M.Brown

" It was hard to meet his daughter’s gaze and see the sadness in her eyes that must have been always there, only she’d kept it back  with  her  anger.  He  wondered  what  she  would have been like, had her mother been present all her life,  if this sorrow he  was seeing  would have  been at the forefront. " ⁣

Hinterland is a family Suspense drama fiction.⁣
The story has a smooth pace with an emotionally engaging storyline. The narration is captivating.⁣

This story revolves around the life of a child named Kate along with the main protagonist,⁣
Nicholas who is her father, Kathleen - his present wife and couple of characters who play very important roles. ⁣
It starts with the portrayal of fatherly love and concern by Nicholas towards his little daughter Kate while Kathleen seems to be going through some psychological conselling sessions and repeatedly missing her appointments. ⁣

As such , on one fine day their elder neighbour, Tilly meets an accident. During this, her daughter Ina visits her. Nicolas tries to ignore Ina. But life has decided to lurk up past wounds and greater twists next.  Here the story actually starts to take turns. Many family secrets start to get unveiled one by one without dragging much which made me keep reading . ⁣
How it all flows was intriguing to read.⁣

How are Stephano , Ina and Nicholas related? Why did Kathleen end up with such a  crime case and was taken to a psychriatic hospital ? What truth Kate learns from her, after 9 year long separation? Kate's condition was emotional to be read. The last few chapters slowly revealed more but the way author kept the final end free to be interpreted by the readers was very impressive.  ⁣