Predator and Prey is a fast-paced story. The plot revolves around military and spy based backdrop.
A data thrift has happened at the NSA - National Security Agency, USA.Venkat is accused of it who has fled to India after this criminal act. What data has he got possession of? Neeraj is a tech scientist who gets involved in this along with Riya.
Countries like China and Pakistan are after this data which has the potential to spiral down the entire Indian subcontinent. What is it all about? What did Venkat find out ? Who is Deva sent by Rathor to procure it all? Now who becomes the predator and who is the prey ?
This thriller has the capability to keep you on the edge with its continuous arrival of twists. The action packed fiction also makes the read enthralling for its inclusion of events having similarity with real life incidents. Along with a descriptive background and depth in the characters, it also provides good insights into the flow of world politics . Here through the story we get a glimpse of developed digital — cyber technology, rivalry between nations, military aspects along with security and economical conspiracies hidden in the world .
This is a book for thriller lovers who like suspense, adrenaline rush and action !