Few days ago I mentioned in one of my posts that I was reading this book named LOVE, LIFE AND RELATIONSHIP - An Intro - A short story, which is a collection of poetry on Life's different facets. It also includes few poems on various relationships of a person in life with family, friends and loved ones.
There are total 20 poems. Though I had an opportunity to read the kindle version, I can imagine how beautiful the paperback would be. The pages are filled with colourful pictures as background. They create a pleasant asthetic atmosphere around the overall reading experience.
I liked the moments captioned and the ability of the lines to touch my heart about different aspects of the beautiful emotion of love. Even the poems like Who can blame the boy with which the book starts expressed the unexpressed words of a man. Some poems speak of one's first love experiemce, heartfelt appreciation and gratitude towards one's partner, etc. He also expresses why family must come first. From the particular titles I also comprehended that the poems were for authors healtfelt feelings towards his own family members.
One thing as a reader I would suggest the author is that to improve the font size of the kindle because even if it's so beautiful along with its content it becomes very difficult to read for its very small font size.
I liked that the poems are rhymic. Now a days poems are mostly available in prose style but I still like rhyme styled ones and these felt beautiful and emotionally engaging.