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Manu Book by Darsh

Manu by Author Darsh is truly an intriguing and engrossing story that's beyond commonality. A mythology story woven with threads of history, mystery and what not. The pages pick us up from the contemporary set up of mbai to an ancient city. Manu in his twenties is a young boy , fancies reading about fairies, gods and goddess, nymphs. 

The story creates a mysterious aura already from the very start when Manu's father reveals to him about an eerie ancient family tradition out of nowhere and forces him to abide by the promise. He is forbidden to share this with anyone or else he risks his life. Stressed Manu relieves himself by sharing it with Meena and suddenly the plot enters into a mind boggling twist filled path.
You may check out this book here, available on Amazon. 

Many questions arise at once. The real identity of Meena, swastika tattoed chasers, foggy apparitions,  winged man to the reality of almighty Vishnu's tenth Avatar. But the biggest question is who he himself is and what is his significance in the ultimate truth that even the holy scriptures has missed.

Here more characters from ancient history and mythology are introduced one by one linking it up meaningfully with age old myths and the foretellings of the arrival of Kalki, at the time of apocalypse of Kalyug. 
Manu's riveting journey of figuring out the secret of the cosmos, understanding if he himself is god or the saver of millions by joining the clans of evil will keep readers glued to the story letting them swim into an ocean of magical realm.