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New Beginnings by Victoria Day- Joel

Do you like reading poems or are you also a poet? 
I love poetry. It's such a beautiful way of expressing oneself but in contrast to long soliloquys or proses all the emotions are concentrated into only few words and lines! 

Poetry has no fixed notion. 
It may come into free  contemporary verse style or classic rhymic type. 

New Beginnings by author Victoria Day- Joel  is a beautiful collection of poems. There are myriads of poems, from ones on nature to few more that speak of different aspects of one's relationships. 

There is a saying that Earth has music for those who listen. And isn't that true? 

Here some poems paint the everlasting beauty of the nature that surrounds us. 
The beautiful seasons, chirping bird, blooming flowers everything that brings tranquility to our chaotic inner world. 
Then there are poems on love.
Love is a beautiful feeling.
But the facets of it carry various hues. The first meet , that when it is in its full bloom to separation.  The poems touch so many shades. 

What I liked was that each poem accompanied a brief verse with it that gave me more insights into the situation. They were truly thoughtful. 

The unconditional aspect of the love was evident which lets one's soul grow. 

Few more poems described about the author who is  bohemian spirited. 

They talk about shifting to a foreign land, living ones natives and accepting the change by making the new unexplored horizons their home. 

These poems are lucid. Comprehensible. And yes what are poems if not relatable! These ones are certainly heart warming! 

Recommended to poetry lovers!