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Surviving Chinese Communist Detention by Mr. Steven Schaerer

As days are passing we are getting more clarifying proves about the possible China's Covid cover up.

Surviving Chinese Communist Detention
By Mr. Steven Schaerer

This is a book that I believe shall reach many because it is based on the real ordeal of the author Mr. Steven Schaerer in China in the hands of CCP. He has taken the courage to pen down his traumatic racist experience. After reading this book, I consider it as one my deepest and essential reads of 2021. 

This book opens our eyes to the world that Chinese government tries to hide in the veil of an innocent developing nation through their cleverly crafted propaganda for the world.

Mr. Schaerer had founded and funded a business, during his 4th year in Beijing, as a 26-year-old from California. The company provided business and educational training courses for young professionals.

One of the learning centers he had signed a working contract with was in Guomao. In 2016, a group of CCP officers randomly entered and started interrogated him and his 3 more teammates. For next few days they called them in office for long hours. Even after having all valid legal permits being a racist department they harrassed them on multiple occassions and later arrested them in detention. 

I respect if even he described the misconducts of a nation he also took time to clarify that the Chinese natives are good people and they too are suffering in the hands of their government when their judiciary system is not independent like in U.S.
 or Indian constitution. China has hardcore, rigid and strict indoctrination of communist principles. It is not at all a book that shows hatred but it only presents his true experience. 

When you have done nothing illegal and still get detention in a foreign nation where land is lawless it is unimaginably horrendous and helpless condition. I was surprised that they educate their students to become racist. I am glad that the author was super lucky to get help from their embassy. I wish him peace, happiness and success. But what about the mental trauma that remains lifelong. Gallows change our psychology. I feel sad thinking about many who may not ever see the light of the day without ever doing something illegal but only because they are racist. When will justice be delivered to them? 

I am surprised to know so many raw facts about Chinese Communist Party. The proves of inhuman tortures, prisoners human organs taken out and  being sold in black markets, tight policies of citizenship, wrong education system, loopholes in global outlook, racist attitude, lawless conduct, human rights violation,rapes in Uyghur muslim community, etc. 

It's horrible. The world knows China to be the home of a beautiful ancient civilization. I still believe good will one day overcast the settled wrong. 

I highly recommend it. Extremely well researched. Mind boggling facts added. This book is now officially the best selling human rights book on Amazon. It deserves it.