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Vedas and Upanishads: Greatest Spiritual Wisdom for Tough Times - Pranay

Vedas and Upanishads: 
Greatest Spiritual Wisdom for Tough Times 
authored by the mystical philosopher Pranay whose modules on advanced spirituality for leadership and success have won global acclaim is a treasure trove for readers like us who often times find themselves searching for the ultimate source of happiness, peace and the truth. 

I have shared few inside pictures for reference purpose so you can decide if you like the narrative part of not. 

Vedas and Upanishads are one of most ancient Indian scriptures found till date, that were written back in later Harappan period. Even if they were written a long back, there learnings remain timeless as Vedas teach us something eternal about life that is not to change reality but the unchanging reality which stays agelessly true forever. 

This book shares with us insights from the four Vedas : Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva and the different Upanishads through different quotations of the hymns. The life lessons that these Vedas and Upanishads intend readers to learn have been shared in comprehensive and lucid language so even a  beginner who is not proficient in such subjects can still read, understand and impliment in their lives. 
They provide us deep insights into the wellbeing of our body, mind and soul by focusing on the ultimate goal of human life. Realisation of self potential is what these texts are concerned with. They are reflection of all of the nature, the cosmos and all the miniatures that reside within us. If we start understanding them in their completeness, one can begin to understand their deeper meaning. Ultimately they emphasize a wholeness and heathfulness of being at all levels of ourselves. 

By reading this book one can understand why it is needed to look inwards than outwards of oneself, how to cope up with tough times, what things to remember and practice in thoughts and thus gain peace in life. 

I really liked reading about visions of Rabindranath Tagore, Krishnamurthy, Kabir regarding these scriptures alongside gaining more knowledge about the concepts of Aham Brahmasmi, non-duality of joy, Advaita Vedanta and many things more.
Ultimately I recommend this book to seekers, thinkers and readers who like to expand their prospectives.