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ARC Asylum by Prateek Joshi

ARC Asylum by Prateek Joshi is the second book by the author whose first debut poetry book , 

I read two years back named Anatomy of Self Indulgent Moongazer and found it quite different than most books in the market on poetry.

 It had a unique composition and thoughtful one liners. Similarly this book is a conglomeration of paragraphs mostly in the form of journals from the date March 27, 2020 to August 19,2020. 
These lines speak thoughtfully and give some important message to the readers. 
Theres a feel of melacholy and nihilism in the lines but then they conclude to something else that leaves us contemplating about our inner and the outer world. 
It's a collection that is not meant for all because you need to dive deep to comprehend the meanings hidden in each line. 

Here is the blurb: 

Can deep contemplation give rise to macabre visions? What happens to the attempts of resolving a deranged mind? Some men go through spirals of Decadence, spending years in the pursuit of the authentic, becoming obscure and absurd, finally losing the difference between real and unreal.

Exhausted with reasoning and self-reflection, with a subsequent lack of self-control breeds fear, permeating the surroundings. The road to Freedom, or so the narrator believed in until his own experiences begin to unhinge him.

The Journal of a man, alienated and occasionally delusional, trying to articulate a method to overcome the ephemeral only to severe ties with the present. Will he understand the deeper meaning of existence after being in limbo, wasting with his degenerating memories and desires?


It's available on Amazon. So go check it out.