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Fall Again Rise Again by Sandeep Aggarwal

Fall Again Rise Again 
Sandeep Aggarwal 

This is book is a very inspirational read for its the moving autobiography of the extraordinary entrepreneur Mr. Sandeep Aggarwal who is also the founder of two multiple billion dollar companies : Droom and ShopClues.

This book is filled with his own experiences in personal and professional life which lead his to secure such a high position. 
From his very childhood till he got success he has shared about what kind of difficulties he had to manage and what he did to overcome them.

Amazon link to buy the book 

 Such books definitely help us find hope and feel motivational so we can crave out our paths too. Once what seemed difficult only to dream now he was able to succeed in it. 
Like many of us he had mediocre numbers in school and college, he was still polishing his abilities and slowly he stepped into the world of the US and there he became a sought after wall street analyst. Later he planned to launch india market focused online shop. I liked reading how shoeclue differently targets the market then the other online business giants. I liked how he overcame each hurdle with strong mindset. Each chapter is divided into short subchapters that truly helps understand the flow. 

It's an enlightening, informative and yet again aheart warming read that lets us know the path to greatness is not easy, failure is inevitable in between but one has to believe in oneself and keep trying till the end. 

Recommended to all.