FROM THE DIARY OF A SERIAL KILLER authored by Soumya Tiwari From the Diary of a Serial Killer is one of the most unique books I read this year. From the very cover till the last page it's a form of mystery. Check the title, already intrues a reader for serial killer are people who are mysterious in their daily actions and we don't know what hides in their diary and their minds. The cover presents a bleeding heart being played in the hands of some cruel people. This book is a work of art for it has been created thoughtfully. I liked it. The entries start from backwards. From entry 32 to entry 1. And each entry is like a dairy entry that's written in poetry format. Now tell me doesnot it interest you? It speaks of the dark side of human emotions thatsmostly avoided in our daily lives. It again puts light of the psychology of a killer like how they grow up many a times in a messed up household, get tormented by s...
Solitude and Books are no doubt best friends . This combination gets better with addition of Nature's bliss .This concoction unfolds the secret of knowledge and opens up the gate to soul introspection. Here you will find Book reviews and Recommendations !