Pratidwandi : The Opponent, Book One- The Kalari Authored by Ambuj Gupta Published by Quignog Publishers The story starts with Vedu Kechery in a horrific condition. Rebels are dying fighting. It is the year of 1852 when British army is spreading everywhere and taking over places to rule. This action packed story is pivoted around the freedom struggle and the glorious Indian origined martial art Kalarippayattu in an alternative reality where thing are flowing bit differently. The legendary Kalarippayattu fighter Vedu Kechary, the father of our protagonist Sai has been kidnapped, prisoned and murdered already with intention to stop the army's potential biggest threat that is all forms of martial art. There are beautiful high quality illustrations included that create a richer effect alongside good character and backdrop storyline development. Now as the news reaches them, Sai , his sister Aruna and his new...
Solitude and Books are no doubt best friends . This combination gets better with addition of Nature's bliss .This concoction unfolds the secret of knowledge and opens up the gate to soul introspection. Here you will find Book reviews and Recommendations !