Silence Has Secrets Author : Nayan Malek @nayanmalek ____________________ ⚠️Trigger warning : Rape , Transgender bullying, suicide ๐My 2022's last read but one of the best reads. Highly recommended !!! 5 star from me ! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ____________________ After a long time I found one such book by an Indian author that I absolutely loved. This story is very unique and comes with a very important purpose of spreading awareness amoung the youth. It lets the reader contemplate what is right and what is wrong in our morality, ethics and the system of our society. The story starts with a class discussion at IITM about if anyone would ever want to marry a rape survivor. Different students shared their own thoughts but it all lead to one of the boys get raped the next day. Though the story paces as a mystery thriller what I read in the subsequent chapters made me really think truly what is going on in our society. It touches upon so many important topics ...
Solitude and Books are no doubt best friends . This combination gets better with addition of Nature's bliss .This concoction unfolds the secret of knowledge and opens up the gate to soul introspection. Here you will find Book reviews and Recommendations !